5 Rules for Happiness

Happy Monday! Today, I wanted to share something I read online a few years, and I apply it to my everyday life. Ultimately my main goal in life is to feel genuinely happy.
The type of happiness that is exuberant. We all have bad days, but how you manage them makes such a difference. If something bad happens, I always try to look for solutions or the brighter side of things. With positivity comes blessings. 
Here are 5 simple rules for happiness:
1. Free your heart from hatred
If anyone has done you harm, don’t hold on to hate. You cause more damage to yourself by feeling resentment. Free your heart from any hatred and don’t hold on to any grudges, although it may be difficult. When people hurt you it’s easier to hate them than to forgive them. Once you rid your heart from any negativity and hate you’ll feel ten times better. 
2. Free your mind from worries 
Life is full of worries, whether they involve work, bills, family, friends there is always something to be worried about. It’s better to free your mind, and just say it’ll be okay. Saying to yourself, “it will be resolved.” I leave all my worries in the hands of God. He’s never let me down and I have 100% trust in him, and his plans for me. Worries hinder our inner peace. Let go, and be at peace.
3. Live Simply
I love this rule, and it’s easier said than done. I feel like I adapted this rule when I went backpacking through Europe a couple years ago. I left with just a backpack, and a little suitcase. I lived very minimally for 2 months, and it was the happiest I’d ever been. I left so many clothes and shoes in each city I passed through because I realized I didn’t need them. And although I’m a fashion blogger, you’d be surprised how many clothes I give away or sell each month. It’s not about possessions, it’s about experience. I’d much rather spend on having a good time and experiencing something new with my husband and family. 
4. Give More
Give more time to your loved ones. With all this technology, it’s difficult to fully disconnect. But, it’s okay to be separated from your phone for a couple hours. When my husband and I are eating together we always try to put our phones away. Disconnect from technology and start conversations. 
5. Expect Less 
When we expect a lot from others we are prone to getting hurt, and feeling let down. Stop expecting more and just have no expectations. Expect less, and you’ll feel so much happier. I’m used to giving a lot to, whether it be to friends or family, and I expect the same. That isn’t always the case with people.   Once we let go of any expectations, we will live happier. 
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